German Language Courses for Teenagers

The DANK Haus German language classes for teenagers (ages 12-16) are designed to help students learn the German language and explore German culture. Classes provide engaging, fun and interactive learning opportunities that not only encourage intellectual development but also promote a better understanding of the student’s native language. Classes are specifically designed to target the language needs and interests teenagers have.

The DANK Haus teachers are highly professional, possess strong organizational and classroom management skills, and have vast experience with teaching young students. To ensure success in the classroom, teachers individualize the curriculum to meet the different needs of all students. Currently, elementary German classes at Levels I and II are offered.

Students who have no or very limited exposure to German language as well as some initial instruction are invited to register for these classes. The provided placement test will guide you to the right level.

The registration deadline for spring semester is January 12, 2017. Register your child today by clicking here!