Pakistan Flood Relief

In keeping with the Council’s tradition of supporting humanitarian causes and helping the victims of disasters, our Council is planning to make a substantial contribution to Pakistan Flood Relief. This is a national disaster for Pakistan. Over 3.5 million Pakistani children are at risk from cholera and other diseases because of the slow and inadequate delivery of flood relief.
If you wish to join us in our cause, please send your check, payable to the Austrian-American Council West with the notation “Pakistan Flood Relief”, to Fred R. Reinelt, Treasurer, 2701 Forrester Drive, Los Angeles 90064, and we will add your tax deductible check amount, to the contribution we are sending to Direct Relief International.
Direct Relief International is one of only two charities which Forbes has named for perfect fund raising efficiency for five consecutive years.

Hollywood Star Angelina Jolie visits Pakistan to draw attention to the cause: